Terms And Conditions

DiskoverMore c/o PURPLE GROUP is merely a service provider and doesn’t have any control on services provided by the Airlines & Hotels, 3rd party travel agents, suppliers, transporters or the guides, tourism providers, tour operators, etc or related suppliers. Because DiskoverMore c/o PURPLE GROUP, only integrates and brings together these service providers as an offer/proposal based on the requirements stated by the clients and do not own or run these services, DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP is not
responsible for any lapses/delays/breakdowns/ in services provided by the end suppliers, associates of the suppliers.

DiskoverMore c/o PURPLE GROUP attempts to share with all its clients the terms and conditions provided to us by the respective suppliers at the time of reservations and make reservations only after the consent from the customer.

Client is under no pressure to make a reservation with us if other or alternate sources of bookings of these services or products are appealing in terms of costs or other criteria. Any pictures, information or fact sheets provided by airlines & Hotels, 3rd party travel agents,suppliers, transporters or the guides or tourism websites or travel related supplying agents are not physically inspected, or authenticated or verified by us for updation, accuracy. We are not the owners of any of these entities and cannot guarantee the claims made by them. Therefore, DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP is not responsible for any lapses/delays in the services provided by the end suppliers, associates of the suppliers.
The responsibility of DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP and / or its agents is limited.

Responsibilities and Liability:

1) DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP and its agents act only as agents for passenger in regards to travel whether by air, railroad, motorcoach, waterways/cruise/boats and ferries or any other conveyance and assumes no failing cause through the acts or defaults of any company or person engaged in conveying passengers or in carrying out the arrangements of
this tour, or as a direct or indirect result of acts of God, dangers incident in the sea, or air, fire, breakdown in machinery or equipment, acts of governments or other authorities, de jure or de facto wars, whether declared or not, hostilities, civil disturbances, strikes, riots, theft, pilferage, epidemics, quarantines, medical or customs regulations or from any other

2) DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP does not accept responsibilities for loss or additional expenses to passengers due to delay or changes in schedule. Tour services included but not limited to guide services, hotel accommodations, meals and other services are furnished by third parties who do not act for or on behalf of DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP and
with whom DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP has no relationship as joint venture or otherwise. Therefore DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for any inconvenience, loss, damage or injury arising out of or in connection with such tour services as may be provided.

DiskoverMore c/o PURPLE GROUP is not responsible for:
2 (a) The quality of service provided by the hotels, airlines, cruise company, Coach owner/Operator, or any other person or organization who has been selected by DiskoverMore to render services to the client.

2 (b) Sightseeing missed and / or program being cancelled after the commencement of the tour and before the due period due to any unavoidable situations which are beyond DiskoverMore’s control.

2 c) Any over stay expenses due to delay or changes in bus/ air/ trains / ship/ or cancellation of special bogie or other services due to sickness, weather conditions, strike, war or any other cause whatsoever.

2 (d) Any Loss/Damage of baggage/personal effects howsoever caused to traveller during travel.

3) While DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP shall make every effort to fulfill its obligations, it is not liable for failure to perform such obligations if such failure is as a result of Acts of God (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane or other natural disaster), war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (regardless of whether war is declared), civil war,
insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation, terrorist activities, nationalisation, government sanction, blockage, embargo, labor dispute, strike, lockout or interruption or failure of electricity or telephone service.

4) Third-Party Sites, Products; Links

The DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP Platform may include links or references to other web sites or services solely as a convenience to Users (“Reference Sites”). DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP does not endorse any such Reference Sites or the information, materials, products, or services contained on or accessible through Reference Sites. Access and use of Reference Sites, including the information, materials, products, and services on or available through Reference Sites is solely at Your own risk.

5) Limitation of Liability and Damages

5.1. Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, shall DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP or its affiliates, contractors, employees, agents, or third-party partners, licensors, or suppliers be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, reliance, or exemplary damages (including without limitation damages arising from any unsuccessful court action or legal dispute, lost business, lost revenues or loss of anticipated profits or any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary loss or damage of any nature whatsoever) arising out of or relating to these terms or that result from your use or your inability to use the services with DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP or any Reference Sites, or any other
interactions with DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP, even if DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP or an DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP’s authorized representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

5.2. Limitation of Damages
In no event shall DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP or its affiliates, contractors, employees, agents, or third-party partners, licensors, or suppliers’ total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action arising out of or relating to these terms,

6) Privacy
Your privacy is important to DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP. DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP Privacy Policy is hereby incorporated into these Terms by reference. Please read this notice carefully for information relating to DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP’ collection, use, and disclosure of Your personal information. Personal information can be disclosed to suppliers by DISKOVERMORE c/o PURPLE GROUP meant to provide you relevant travel and related services. Dissemination of personal
information such as but not limiting to information related to Travel Products and Services offered for sale, orders placed for purchasing the Travel products and services and associated information including but not limited to payment information and order fulfillment details including but not limited to address of delivery, payment mode.

7) Governing Law
This agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India. In case of dispute, the parties shall endeavour to settle any dispute that arises by direct negotiation between them. Any dispute that is not settled by direct negotiation shall be referred to the civil courts in Delhi. This document with terms and conditions is being shared with all passengers booked through DISKOVERMORE, c/o PURPLE GROUP via mail and is deemed read and agreed by the client.